Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The circle did not break up at once. The visitors wanted to talk, and the Maileys to listen.

«My perceptions,» said he, «are not so dull that I should have failed to observe the relations which have been established between my daughter and yourself. This question however, has become entangled with the other which we were discussing. You have b
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«Animal magnetism, ectoplasm – in fact, power. That is the most comprehensive word. The Christ used that word. `Much power has gone out of me`. It is `dunamis` in the Greek, but the translators missed the point and translated it `virtue`. If a good Gre

«If, my dear Malone, I can help you to get this taint – what shall we call it? – microbus spiritualensis – out of your system, I am at your service. I shall be happy to devote a little of my spare time to exposing those specious fallacies to which you

The spectacles flashed round again.

But Mailey now int! ervened and with such authority that Challenger was forced to listen.


Malone grinned over the receiver.

«Criminology, I presume?»

«Telepathy, perhaps.»

«Give three tilts, Wee One.»

«I call Henrietta Dresser.»

«There is another more ordinary analogy. Have you been in a warm room with a wet dog?»

«Is it you or Miromar who is talking now?»

«Please, sir, your brother Silas is below.» The two looked at each other with some dismay.

«Splendid! Any directions for me?»

Enid consulted a business-like little reporter`s notebook. «We have done seven. There was Westminster Abbey for the Church in its most picturesque form, and Saint Agatha for the High Church, and Tudor Place for the Low. Then there was the Westminster C

«What, has Willie sauced you?»

«Well, then, we have to consider the question of Terbane`s normal knowledge.! How can you possibly know what he has learned? I should think a railway-porter is particularly able to pick up such information.»

«Then we shall apply for the warrant. You see, it all depends upon which magistrate it comes before. There was Mr. Dalleret who let a medium off last month. He is no we to us. And Mr. Lancing has been mixed up with these people. Mr. Melrose is a stiff

She gave two more descriptions to the audience, both of them rather vague, and both recognized with some reservations. It was a curious fact that her details were such as she could not possibly see at the distance. Thus, dealing with a form which she c

«Gawd be praised! Gawd be thanked!» cried a voice.

«Which was exactly what ruined them,» said Smith.

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Challenger`s huge head swung round and his lion`s glare rested upon his daughter.

«No, no, I don`t blame her! She will know better some day. The day is coming soon when all truth will be manifest and all these corrupt Churches will be swe! pt off the earth with their cruel doctrines and their caricatures of God.»

He was looking at her with the medium`s gaze in his light grey eyes – that gaze which looks round and through a thing rather than at it.

«Silas Linden, you are a fool! Can`t a parent c`rect `is own child?»

«Mediumship can be developed» said Mrs. Mailey. «One might almost say it was catching.»

«All right,» said he in a sulky voice, «I`ll sign.» He was allowed to rise with a warning that if he played any tricks he would not get off so lightly the second time. But there was no kick left in him and he scrawled a big, coarse « Silas Linden « at

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The fat president rose and raised his hand.

«Really, you try my patience too far. Have I not said –?»

«You are far too hasty, dear Dr. Ross Scotton!» she cried. «Professor Challenger has had no time to understand this. You were just as sceptical yourself at first. How can you blame him?»

«We must follow, Madge. She is smiling and waving.»